• Training

    2024 Training Courses

    July 2024
    DGR for Processing and Accepting DG consignments - Recurrent

    USD : 1000

    USD : 1150
    Perishable Cargo Regulations

    USD : 500

    USD : 650
    Air Transport Clearances Management

    USD : 1750

    USD : 1900
    Project Management for Aviation Professionals

    USD : 1750

    USD : 1900
    Airside Safety Operations and Management

    USD : 1750

    USD : 1900
    International Civil Aviation Conventions; Chicago and Montreal

    USD : 1750

    USD : 1900
    Apron Management & Follow Me

    USD : 1750

    USD : 2000
    Airlines Cost Classification & Cost Allocation

    USD : 1500

    USD : 1650
    Disabled Aircraft Recovery Procedures

    USD : 1000

    USD : 1150
    Advanced Marketing Strategies

    USD : 1400

    USD : 1550
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