• Training

    In Company Training: Tailored Excellence for Airlines


    Welcome to our aviation training center’s In Company Training program! As a trusted partner for airlines, we understand the unique needs of the aviation industry.

    RTC is committed to providing cost-effective quality training. We aim to assist airlines in achieving savings without compromising the quality of training programs. Through our In Company Training, we’ve successfully delivered tailored solutions to airlines resulting in substantial cost savings.


    Why Choose Our In Company Training?

    1. Customization: We collaborate closely with airlines to design training programs that align with their specific requirements. Whether it’s enhancing safety protocols, improving communication, or upgrading technical skills, our training adapts to your needs.
    2. Cost-Effective Solutions: Airlines benefit from substantial cost savings through our In Company Training. By conducting training on-site, we eliminate travel expenses and minimize operational disruptions.
    3. Quality Assurance: Our experienced instructors deliver high-quality training, ensuring compliance with industry standards

    Ready to Elevate Your Team’s Performance?

    Contact us today to explore how our In Company Training can enhance your airline’s efficiency, safety, and overall excellence. Let’s soar together!



    Course NameCourse ScopeDuration 
    Essential Skills for New ManagersHR and Development 4 Days Request
    Current Trends in Digital CommunicationManagement & Leadership 3 Days Request
    Documents Control SystemsQuality 4 Days Request
    Efficient Strategic PlanningAirline Management 3 Days Request
    Managing Day to Day (Performance to ensure results)HR and Development 2 Days Request
    Ground Handling AgreementsAir Law & Agreements 5 Days Request
    Project Management EssentialsManagement & Leadership 3 Days Request
    Basic Cargo Skills & ProceduresCargo 5 Days Request
    Principles of Crew PlanningAirline Management 4 Days Request
    International Negotiation Skills HR and Development 3 Days Request
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