Course Name:
Family Assistance Centre and Special Assistance Team Management
3 Days
Emergency Response
Conducted By:RTC
How Will I Benefit?
Understand the components of a crisis and the key events that can be expected
Manage your own responsibilities and those of your colleagues into proper context and be better prepared to manage the demands of response operations.
Who Should Attend?
This training course is designed specifically for those personnel who have a front-line management responsibility either to establish and operate a Family Assistance Centre or to manage a Special Assistance Team following an aviation accident.
Course Contents:
Family Assistance Centre Operations:
Planning for a Family Assistance Centre
Site considerations, design and contracting
The role of the FAC
Resources - personnel and equipment
FAC operating procedures and working routines
Administration and finance
Selection and training of FAC personnel
Establishing a FAC under emergency conditions
Transfer of responsibility from interim centers to the FAC
Information management and liaison with call centers
Command and control and the role of the management team
Closing the FAC and transfer of responsibility for long-term recovery
SAT team management
Supervision of work load
Team and family briefings
Task allocation
Team dynamics and self care
Advanced skills in working with families in crisis
Assessing families welfare
Understanding the grieving process
Conflict resolution
Meeting the needs of the family members at different locations
Airport reception centers
Survivor reception centers
Homes of non-travelling family members