How Will I Benefit?
Understanding general air law principles, including elements in the Chicago Convention, such as safety and security and aircraft accident investigation, to ensure knowledge, capabilities and compliance on a national level.
Understanding various Public International Law principles, including sovereignty, jurisdiction and obligation of States, as well as resolution of disputes to ensure knowledge and compliance on an international level.
Having a comprehensive overview of the international organisations that play a fundamental role in aviation, and identifying what each organisation contributes in Aviation and what can be learnt or benefitted from a national level.
Understanding the legal framework on unlawful acts against Aviation, including disruptive passengers, hijacking, bombs on board, ground to air missiles, cyber-attacks and other unlawful acts against civil aviation to acquire the necessary knowledge in the field of Aviation Security to achieve common understanding with the other State Authorities, as well as the rights and obligations of different players that emanate from the legal framework.
Understanding Private International Aviation Law with regard to Air Carrier Liability through a comprehensive overview of the legal system, internationally and from a European perspective, focusing on the aspects of liability regime in international air transport.
Understanding the International legal framework regarding air transport agreements and traffic rights.
For attendees to acquire an overall knowledge to support their organization in compliance with international air law.